What of the following statements are true regarding /dev/ when using udev? (Choose TWO correct answers.)
A. Entries for all possible devices get created on boot even if those devices are not connecte...
Which of the following statements is correct when talking about /proc/?
A. All changes to files in /proc/ are stored in /etc/proc.d/ and restored on reboot.
B. All files within /proc/ are read-only a...
During a system boot cycle, what program is executed after the BIOS completes its tasks?
A. The bootloader
B. The inetd program
C. The init program
D. The kernel
Which SysV init configuration file should be modified to disable the ctrl-alt-delete key combination?
A. /etc/keys
B. /proc/keys
C. /etc/inittab
D. /proc/inittab
E. /etc/reboot
WOFF(Web Open Font Format)是一種用於網頁裡的字型格式,支援OpenType和TrueType,可以使用zlib或是Zopfli來壓縮字型,大大地減少伺服器傳遞字型時損耗的網路流量。WOFF2(WOFF 2.0)是比較新穎的字型格式,擁有比WOFF還要更好的壓縮能力,使得字型檔案變得更小、更易於傳輸!如果想要在網頁裡,透過CSS的「@font-face」功能來外嵌網路字體(...