Which signal is missing from the following command that is commonly used to instruct a daemon to reinitialize itself, including reading configuration files?
Which of the following commands kills the process with the PID 123 but allows the process to "clean up" before exiting?
A. kill -PIPE 123
B. kill -KILL 123
C. kill -STOP 123
D. kill -TERM 123
In a nested directory structure, which find command line option would be used to restrict the command to searching down a particular number of subdirectories?
A. -dirmax
B. -maxdepth
C. -maxlevels
Which of the following statements is correct regarding the command foo 1> bar?
A. The stdout from the command foo is appended to the file bar.
B. The stdout from the command foo overwrites the ...
What command will generate a list of user names from /etc/passwd along with their login shell?
A. column -s : 1,7 /etc/passwd
B. chop -c 1,7 /etc/passwd
C. colrm 1,7 /etc/passwd
D. cut -d: -f1,7 /etc...
In Bash, inserting 1>&2 after a command redirects
A. standard error to standard input.
B. standard input to standard error.
C. standard output to standard error.
D. standard error to standard ...
剛安裝完phpMyAdmin後,使用phpMyAdmin登入管理資料庫時,卻看到phpMyAdmin出現「The phpMyAdmin configuration storage is not completely configured, some extended features have been deactivated.」訊息。這是因為phpMyAdmin需要使用額外的「phpmyadmi...
Which of the following commands overwrites the bootloader located on /dev/sda without overwriting the partition table or any data following it?
A. dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512
B. dd if=/dev/zer...
Which Debian package management tool asks the configuration questions for a specific already installed package just as if the package were being installed for the first time? (Specify ONLY the command...