What is the purpose of the Bash built-in export command?
A. It allows disks to be mounted remotely.
B. It runs a command as a process in a subshell.
C. It makes the command history available to subsh...
Which of the following commands will send output from the program myapp to both standard output (stdout) and the file file1.log?
A. cat < myapp | cat > file1.log
B. myapp 0>&1 | cat > fi...
A user accidentally created the subdirectory \dir in his home directory. Which of the following commands will remove that directory?
A. rmdir '~/\dir'
B. rmdir "~/\dir"
C. rmdir ~/'dir'
D. rmdir ~/\d...
Immediately after deleting 3 lines of text in vi and moving the cursor to a different line, which single character command will insert the deleted content below the current line?
A. i (lowercase)
B. ...
What is the maximum niceness value that a regular user can assign to a process with the nice command when executing a new process?
A. 9
B. 19
C. 49
D. 99