What is the difference between the commands test -e path and test -f path?
A. They are equivalent options with the same behaviour.
B. The -f option tests for a regular file. The -e option tests for a...
Which of the following files, when existing, affect the behavior of the Bash shell? (Choose TWO correct answers.)
A. ~/.bashconf
B. ~/.bashrc
C. ~/.bashdefaults
D. ~/.bash_etc
E. ~/.bash_profile
Which of the following commands puts the output of the command date into the shell variable mydate?
A. mydate="$(date)"
B. mydate="exec date"
C. mydate="$((date))"
D. mydate="date"
E. mydate="${date}...
What word is missing from the following SQL statement?
__________ count(*) from tablename;
(Please specify the missing word using lower-case letters only.)
By default, the contents of which directory will be copied to a new user's home directory when the account is created by passing the -m option to the useradd command? (Specify the full path to the dir...
What output will the command seq 10 produce?
A. A continuous stream of numbers increasing in increments of 10 until stopped.
B. The numbers 1 through 10 with one number per line.
C. The numbers 0 thr...
Which command makes the shell variable named VARIABLE visible to subshells?
A. export $VARIABLE
B. export VARIABLE
What word is missing from the following SQL statement?
insert into tablename ________(909, 'text');
(Please specify the missing word using lower-case letters only.)