Ubuntu是基於Debian的Linux發行版。Debian的版本更新時間不固定,但Ubuntu會固定在每年的4月和10月釋出新版(每半年一新版),版本號碼就是「年份.月份」,例如在2016年4月發佈的版本,號碼就是16.04;在2009年10月發佈的版本,號碼就是9.10。通常每隔兩年會釋出一個更新支援期長達2年以上的LTS(Long Term Support)版本,例如10.04、12.04...
The swap usage on a system needs to be checked. Which TWO commands can be used to display a swap usage summary?
A. swapconfig
B. cat /proc/swaps
C. swapon -s
D. swapshow
E. cat /etc/fstab
A Linux server is running in single user mode, but the problem that existed before is now fixed. What command is most appropriate to restore the server to service?
Why has mkinitrd been deprecated in favour of mkinitramfs in 2.6 series kernels? (Select TWO correct answers)
A. It isn't loaded until later in the boot process
B. An easy to use GUI is available for...
Which hdparm command-line options will set an IDE hard disk to use both DMA and 32-bit I/O support?
A. -p 1 -A 1
B. -f -g
C. -L 1 -i 1
D. -d 1 -c 1
E. -L 1 -i 32