Which of the following signals is sent to a process when the key combination CTRL+C is pressed on the keyboard?
Which of the following commands prints a list of usernames (first column) and their primary group (fourth column) from the /etc/passwd file?
A. fmt -f 1,4 /etc/passwd
B. split -c 1,4 /etc/passwd
C. c...
Which of the following commands will print the last 10 lines of a text file to the standard output?
A. cat -n 10 filename
B. dump -n 10 filename
C. head -n 10 filename
D. tail -n 10 filename
Which character, added to the end of a command, runs that command in the background as a child process of the current shell?
A. !
B. +
C. &
D. %
E. #
Which of the following commands will reduce all consecutive spaces down to a single space?
A. tr '\s' ' ' < a.txt > b.txt
B. tr -c ' ' < a.txt > b.txt
C. tr -d ' ' < a.txt > b.txt
When starting a program with the nice command without any additional parameters, which nice level is set for the resulting process?
A. -10
B. 0
C. 10
D. 20
Which of the following sequences in the vi editor saves the opened document and exits the editor? (Choose TWO correct answers.)
A. esc ZZ
B. ctrl :w!
C. esc zz
D. esc :wq!
E. ctrl XX
Which of the following shell redirections will write standard output and standard error output to a file named filename?
A. 2>&1 >filename
B. >filename 2>&1
C. 1>&2>file...