Which of the following crontab entries will execute myscript at 30 minutes past every hour on Sundays?
A. 0 * * * 30 myscript
B. 30 * * * 6 myscript
C. 30 0 * * 0 myscript
D. 30 0-23 * * 0 myscript
To prevent a specific user from scheduling tasks with at, what should the administrator do?
A. Add the specific user to /etc/at.allow file.
B. Add the specific user to [deny] section in the /etc/atd....
Which environment variable should be set in order to change the time zone for the commands run from within the environment variable's scope? (Specify the variable name only.)
Where are user specific crontabs stored?
A. In the database file /etc/crontab.db which is shared by all users.
B. As individual per-user files within /var/spool/cron.
C. As individual per-user files ...
In case neither cron.allow nor cron.deny exist in /etc/, which of the following is true?
A. Without additional configuration, no users may have user specific crontabs.
B. Without additional configura...