Which of the following command sets the Bash variable named TEST with the content FOO?
A. set TEST="FOO"
C. var TEST="FOO"
What happens after issuing the command vi without any additional parameters?
A. vi starts and loads the last file used and moves the cursor to the position where vi was when it last exited.
B. vi sta...
Which of the following signals is sent to a process when the key combination CTRL+C is pressed on the keyboard?
Which of the following commands prints a list of usernames (first column) and their primary group (fourth column) from the /etc/passwd file?
A. fmt -f 1,4 /etc/passwd
B. split -c 1,4 /etc/passwd
C. c...
Which of the following commands will print the last 10 lines of a text file to the standard output?
A. cat -n 10 filename
B. dump -n 10 filename
C. head -n 10 filename
D. tail -n 10 filename
Which character, added to the end of a command, runs that command in the background as a child process of the current shell?
A. !
B. +
C. &
D. %
E. #
Which of the following commands will reduce all consecutive spaces down to a single space?
A. tr '\s' ' ' < a.txt > b.txt
B. tr -c ' ' < a.txt > b.txt
C. tr -d ' ' < a.txt > b.txt
When starting a program with the nice command without any additional parameters, which nice level is set for the resulting process?
A. -10
B. 0
C. 10
D. 20
Which of the following sequences in the vi editor saves the opened document and exits the editor? (Choose TWO correct answers.)
A. esc ZZ
B. ctrl :w!
C. esc zz
D. esc :wq!
E. ctrl XX