
class Vehicle {

    String type = "4W";
    int maxSpeed = 100;

    Vehicle(String type, int maxSpeed) {
        this.type = type;
        this.maxSpeed = maxSpeed;

class Car extends Vehicle {

    String trans;

    Car(String trans) { // line n1
        this.trans = trans;

    Car(String type, int maxSpeed, String trans) {
        super(type, maxSpeed);
        this(trans); //line n2

And given the code fragment:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Car c1 = new Car("Auto");
    Car c2 = new Car("4W", 150, "Manual");
    System.out.println(c1.type + " " + c1.maxSpeed + " " + c1.trans);
    System.out.println(c2.type + " " + c2.maxSpeed + " " + c2.trans);

What is the result?


4W 100 Auto
4W 150 Manual


null 0 Auto
4W 150 Manual

C. Compilation fails only at line n1
D. Compilation fails only at line n2
E. Compilation fails at both line n1 and line n2


line n1的建構子有誤,由於其並沒有使用「super」或是「this」敘述來決定要先執行的建構子,因此預設會自動加入「super();」於建構子的第一行。但是Car所繼承的Vehicle類別並沒有「Vehicle()」這個建構子,因此會有編譯錯誤。

line n2使用了「this」敘述,但不是在建構子的第一行呼叫,因此會編譯錯誤。